Saturday, March 23, 2013

11 Months Update

I can not believe how long i have gone without a post, not even picture update and all this while my boys have been growing in leaps.

DEVELOPMENTS: We have moved from fast CRAWLERS  to stumbling WALKERS who can not stand on their own to professional WALKING yet no standing and now they can STAND UP all on their own and run around the entire house on their TWO FEET.

VOCABULARY: Our  vocabulary is still a bit slow, only few works like "take", "mamamama" "dada" and replying to the " David is a good boys - they say "heya heya " and refuse to add the oooo.
I find all this so cute.

Jealousy is so high and its not cute at all, i have to carry both together or else i will spend the next hour pacifying the other.
Tantrum as increased and i have no idea how to deal with it.  In the case of anger or dis-pleasure maybe a toy was taken from him or in recent times Daniel wants to play with my phone and i refuse him that pleasure. He will conscious fall and hit his head on the floor, this is not a random act but they deliberately hits their head on floor when they are angry.

Daniel has stopped sucking his finger Yeepee! now he is master at being cranky. Incessant and un-necessary crying, its like he looks for every opportunity to start. I keep wondering if this is something all children go through at this stage 11 months but David is not doing the same so i am wondering and pondering what else i can attribute it to and how to handle this situation.

DIET: Our food has improved richly we are entering our first year with a variety of new meals. Custard, Rice crispy, bread soaked in milk and local swallowed dishes - wheat,semo and amala.

Am happily looking forward to switching to PEAK 123 brand and leave behind "Mulipa APTAMIL" this will give 40% reduction in the cost of milk monthly.

NANNY: I got a nanny finally and she is an elderly woman with great relationship and calming influence on the boys. Such a welcome relieve, we are still ironing out some issues about handling the cooking for the boys when am at work but am pleased with her. Really a God sent.

Daniel smile is priceless here so please ignore the rumpled bed
NEW JOB: I will do a full post on this soon but as you might already know i have been a freelance make-up artist for over six years. In between my 3th and 5th year i owned a make up studio and a nail bar but i closed it down after marriage due to relocation.

 I now have a new job as the supervisor for make-up and wardrobe in a television station, hence my need for a nanny. Its been a wonderful and challenging experience but am happy i took it.

I am grateful for all my blessings and especially my boys. Joyful and Stress full but i wont have it any other way these boys are my answer to a long time prayer. Almost a year now when my nuclear family of 2 suddenly became a family of 4. Once again i bless God for the past 1 year.

Till my next post remain blessed.

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear from you... Your boys are just precious! Really. And congratulations on your job. I hope it works out and the nanny continues working as well. Twins plus a job can be really challenging!
