My kids, M and I went for a photo shoot December last year, am sure you are wondering why i havent posted pictures or discussed it till now. when we got to the studio we were given all the available plan so we choose the cheapest because that was all we could afford.
david |
daniel |
The female photographer who also doubled as receptionist and triples as accountant rushed us through the picture stating how short our time is and our uncooperative the boys are (i have never heard of a babies particularly twin boys cooperating for a photo shoot)
daniel |
At the end we got some fairly good shoots and fewer great ones but who are we to complain she kept throwing our cheap plan into our face. if they didn't want people to go for the cheap photo package why put it there as an option.
david |
When i asked for soft copy in order to use it on the blog, i was flat out refused. She told me it wouldn't be released until i "settle them" if you are a Nigerian you know what i mean. when i asked how much settlement - she called out a ridiculous price M got angry and told her eat up the pictures. After calming both of them down i confirmed the date we will pick up the hard copies.
David |
Daniel |
When M got there that day someone else was on duty and the person also wanted "settlement" but his price was more reasonable so we finally have the picture. When M got home and show me i was sooo happy and he got a rewarding kiss but when i opened the file i discovered we were given the unedited picture. What can i say beggars have little choice.
Daniel |
Moving on to other things happening, i have been complaining about lack of toys. Thinking that could be why my kids play with other - seemingly harmful - objects around.
I have now confirmed it has nothing to do with presence of toys or lack of it. when i placed a water bottle and a rattle before them you will expect them to go for the colourful rattle - no way - they started fighting over the bottle ignoring the poor rattle. So its economical right ? i don't have to worry about buying toys my boys are good with improvising.
David, he likes to see things from all perspective like when am dressing up in-front of him (i don't know if that is right or wrong but i feel they are too small anyway) he notices that am no longer naked he will turn his head like he wants to see under my dress - weird right?
david |
And other times he picks an object on the floor, stares at it intently and does a 360 degree around looking at it from all sides. When h\is done he looks away to other things. But i always find the 360 degrees turn comical, be it a picture on their play mat or a toy on the floor. He is so intelligent.
Daniel, the official mummy's boy. He just loves being with me, likes falling asleep on my chest. He has taken to climbing and there is no surface he wont attempt to climb.
Daniel |
Getting down on his own use to be a challenge but now he has mastered it, never the same way but always safely landing with no injuries or crying, sooo intelligent.
Daniel |
He also does that intense stare like David and he turns his head too but he doesn't do the 360 degrees around an object.
They both listen and try to mimic sounds M or myself make. They sooo adorable and i bless God for them each day.