Thursday, June 28, 2012


Since i gave birth to these cuties they have only been bathed by their grandma's. Culturally am not allow to bath them since am so inexperienced for the first 3 months, but by the time they were 8 weeks i was so eager sometimes i feel like dragging them from my mum in-law's hand and bath them myself.

So at 9 weeks when my mum-inlaw decided to visit her other son and spend the weekend i was estatic - not because i wanted her gone but at least now i can bath them myself. Not so fast said my mum and thus delayed me by 2 whole days by the 3rd day i was ready, over - ready sef!

You see i really thought bathing a baby was goin to be easy, you have seen me when reality slapped me in the face. i was stuned they were squirmy and screaming, at that point overwheming gratutide rose within my for my mum-inlaw who had to cope with them when they where far smaller.
DAVE and DAN few hours old

Thankfully 3 weeks down the line things have gotten better - really am now a professional at bathing them, they rarely cry though they still squirm. Did i mention that they are very slippery, even more than an eel when covered with soap but thankfully we have not had any accident and we won't in JESUS name, and you sayyyy......

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


This morning after breast feeding them i layed beside each other and this conversation began, gosh i wish i did a video recording but you will all have to make do with these pictures. Dan in pink and Dave in yellow

Dave: I don't get what you (Dan) are talking about

Dave: now i understand my goodness you are funny

Dave: no need eat my hand mummy know you are hungry

Dan: who is eating whose hand now
I made up the conversation because only God knows what was on their mind.

Till futher notice when i update you with more interesting stuffs byeee!


As you all should know am a makeup artist and since i gave birth, i have done some jobs but no music video which is really hectic and tiring.

So when on Monday i got a phone call to do makeup for a music video shoot i was excited - mainly because I was very low on cash that day and also because i have been bored. I wanted to do something challenging.
The artist before makeup

the artist at the end of the shoot still fresh

Did i menttion that i got this call as i was about to bath daniel who was the first to have his bath that day, ok so i rushed through bathing both of them and myself, packed my makeup box and the diaper bag. I did all this while my maid was under instruction to cook since we had not taken breakfast yet, anyway i got a cab and we headed out. Me with david, kemi(maid) with daniel who was chilling in the car sit, makeup box and diaper bag.
on set with my boys

We arrived at the location and i got to work- did i mention this location was on the 3rd floor of a building so imaging logging all the above listed and climbing through those stairs - so we had one the pecks of having twin everyone offers you help, one nice gentleman carried the box and diaper bag all the way up.

still on set
This was a gospel video and a part in the song spoke about being blessed with children - here my boys came in handy. they were used as props on the set of the music video.
the artist dancing with my boys

Should i add they were on their best behaviour all through - ahh such darlings, Dan ate all day while Dave spent most of the time sleeping.
kemi (my maid) feeding Dave
Dan chilling in the car seat

It was all fun as we got lots of complements.

Anyway am off, need to sleep

Sunday, June 24, 2012



daave and dan




  • David and Daniel now play on their own for about 15-20 minutes but from then on i need to entertain them one way or the other. hectic yet fun when am on the receiving end of their smile.
  • Smiles are now more regular and am loving it.
  • Their respond to stimulus is now immediate.
  • They track movements with their eyes and follow me around smiling when i coo at them
  • They now have better control of their neck moving their neck and following sounds being made.
  • Sounds now come up regular, laughing, chuckling and "coos" and "ahh's".
These are our latest pictures, enjoy

my boys playing with themselves

dave and dan

bobo dan is grinning

They still don't nap together ( so am still suffering from sleep deprivation) but we have moved on from those days when they ate every other hour.

Am always stressed and tired, sleepless night and busy days.
Yet it gets better, i keep assuring myself.
These are the joys of motherhood.
They include nights and days filled with smiles and cry's, joy and pain
My chores are double,
So are my blessing.
My hands are always full,
And i never want them empty.
I am a mother, a very proud one.

and this is bye from Dave and Dan

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


So we now have hit 10 weeks , yet no feeding schedule, i have read through lots of systems and styles, still non works so we feed on demand and since they adding on the required weight all is well. its a little stressful but this is the way forward for us.
Our best baby bottle, BREASTFLOW 

 David is our fast eater, he cry's when hungry usually 3hrs after the last feeding and gulps down with haste so feeding ends speedily, while Daniel eats extremely slowly and in bits so  more time is spent on feeding him than necessary.  I find it really tiring but we are coping.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


How time flies, yesterday marks 10 weeks that my little angels came into this world. Seems like yesterday when all they do is sleep, eat and sleep again but now my boys play, chuckle, smile, they respond to stimuli and follow me around with their eyes like that is my food(breast milk).

DAVID in green and DANIEL in red

Dave is smiling despite Dan's knee hitting his face

Bobo D's

check us out we are smiling

are we identical or not

who smiles more Dave and Dan be the judge
UPDATE on their weight; David birth weight was 3.0kg and now 5.8kg
                                        Daniel birth weight was 2.5kg and now 5.3kg
Am so grateful to God for healthy babies, they also got immunised last Thursday and they where both very brave and barely cried.

My dear brave boys, happy 10 weeks birthday, mummy loves you loads.

Friday, June 15, 2012


This was the beginning, i found out about that it was a twin pregnancy at 11 weeks. Multiple symptoms as regards nausea, vomiting , lack of appetite and general weakness made me loose over 7kg in the first trimester.
I really don't want to remember those days but its was un-avoidable period.

@ 15 Weeks  twin pregnancy

@ 18 weeks twin pregnancy
 Moving forward into the 2nd trimester, when my appetite and libido finally came back. It was mad fun as i was flaunting my smart and sexy pregnant belly.
@ 20 weeks pregnancy

@ 25 weeks pregnancy
 3rd trimester and final lap. Now i can feel the weight, lower back pain, pain in the pelvic area, lack of comfortable sleeping position and so on
@30 weeks twin pregnancy
 Yet i was going strong, dancing and sexercise. it was all fun with minor dis-comfort here and there till 37 weeks. At this point i was ready to pop, the weight was killing me and i was praying not to go beyond 38 weeks, since 37 weeks is considered full term for twin gestation. I just wanted to deliver asap.
@35 weeks pregnancy

@38 weeks pregnancy
 The picture above was taken 3 days to my delivery.
flaunting my sexy pregnancy belly
P.S; i will update with more details

The picture below where taken 10 hrs before i delivered, in front of the hospital and i was already in labour. I was in labour for 15hrs before i gave birth. 

@ 39 weeks with twin pregnancy

few hours before i delivered

Supernatural vaginal child birth, no tear or cut. it was all to Gods glory. i will share that story later.
30 mins into the world my bundle of joy Dave 3kg and Dan 2.5

LOVING MY BODY : sexy mama or not

Thanks to adyss body magic, i can look like my old self but once its off my tummy shoots out back and reality hits - I'm now a mother and my tummy looks it. why cant i be like those hollywood celebrity take Jennifer Lopez for example even after having twins she looks sexy with a shape to die for and a body that rivals many teenagers.

So i hate the look of my tummy, dont get me wrong i love myself but i just can't bring myself to love my tummy i'll just be decieving myself.

 Apart from saggy twin belly, my stretch marks will rival that of zebra with it patterns. I wont post a pix of my current state but I will give you an idea by posting my tummy @38 weeks + 5 days (3days to delivery.

i know i looked huge and sexy if i might add, cos i was still getting it on even till 26hrs before delivery- yes i digress. But imagine this sexy pregnant belly deflated in one swoop, now u get the picture. its not a very pleasant one.

So when i stand nude before my bathroom mirror, i take in all the changes my body has undertaken, boobs, tummy, hips and thighs. Then i pick up a picture of my boys and believe me i wont trade them for a sexy body sincerely it was worth every stretch mark and every ounce of saggy fat. i am proud to be a mother.

If you feel like me please drop your commets and share your story to encourage us all.

This was before the stretchmarks came out  @25 weeks + 3 day