As i start this blog today, my boys are 7weeks + 1day, sleeping peacefully and i really should be resting myself. I love all things creative and i enjoy writing. So this blog is an avenue to vent/express myself, documents my childrens growth, share my parenting opinions and the challenges i face in implementing them.
I had planned to start a blog while pregnant and i have been prosponing it till i delivered and now my kids are almost 2months, i have run out of excuses which is why i titled this post HERE WE GO. I'll be sharing some pregnancy photos and my birth story later. Be ready for lots of pictures as photography is one of my hobbies.
Am signing out for now, but before i go i"ll be sharing some pictures.
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me at 25weeks pregnant |
my hubby and I at the naming ceremony 8th day with our bundle
P.S; Happy Childrens Day